Hi, my copen battery has been flat for some time this winter.. recently tried jump starting it and allowing the car to run.. then realised the boot has partially opened as if the roof was being opened up.. there was a brief alarm.. then noises to try and make the roof open.. the button has not been pressed to make the roof open.. only to try and shut it. Help as now the boot wont close… the car is now on charge to allow the battery to get fully charged again. No idea what to do. I’m usually pretty good at these things but in the dark and pouring rain it’s a bit tricky!! Has anyone got any suggestions please.
That's a very frustrating situation to have in dark wet winter weather. I don't know the answer but suspect a reset of the roof ECU might be possible. There are numerous threads on here about the roof malfunctioning. Here's one that mentions a ECU reset.. Boot/roof not working