I wondered if the site was slowing down, getting less posts and heading towards just a tickover? Rather than a hectic lively community? I've not been on for about 3/4 of a year, DaG no longer has a Copen and doesn't visit much, same with Adam K who was probably the main pivot of the site. That accounts for the 3 top posters to the forum. I've look at how many Copens are left in the country and its only down about a 100 from its peak of just over 2200. So the potential forum members has not altered much. yeah there are people abroad also. But for the UK. and may by be ROTW besides Japan, with the Copen 2 not being here there might be less of a future. The new owners of old secondhand Copens might be less into them to want to contribute much to the forum besides the few diehard fans that exist for most cars.
It's an interesting question, and I'm not sure I know the answer. With it covering such a very narrow niche, I was quite surprised that Copenworld took off at all. I set the forum up as a trial - I'd been looking to try out some forum software, and it was really just chance that I chose the Copen as the subject matter as I'd just purchased one myself. I've come extremely close to shutting down the website on several occasions, especially when the spammers started hitting the forums hard, and it was just becoming too much work to keep it running. Last year, I even had a "Sorry, but this website has now closed" page uploaded and ready to go. Instead, I decided to try out a migration to this new forum software (XenForo) to see if it would work. Traffic to the website fluctuates a fair bit, but has actually been trending slightly upwards year-on-year. Posts to the forum go up and down a lot, and as you rightly say, a few regulars have moved on. Many people believe that social media will eventually kill forums entirely, and up until about a year ago, I fully expected that to happen. I now think that forums may have some sort of future, albeit a more limited one. It will be interesting to see how things develop over the next few years, but I do intend to leave the forum running (at least for another year or two) for those who want to use it.
Nooooooo!! Trustafox this is still a great forum and there is nothing else like it on social media for Copen lovers. OK, the traffic may be down a bit but as Copenworld says it fluctuates and it's still pretty lively. The loss of the "big beasts" like you has been a bit of a blow but we are all trying to cope as best we can. I for one would really miss it. I sincerely hope it continues and that Copenworld will continue to maintain it - we are all very grateful to him for his efforts and generosity. What do the other members think? Come on guys and gals - show your support and let's keep things going better than ever! Old Badger
+1 to what Badger said. I may not be a big poster but am a frequent visitor (generally daily), I gain knowledge from this forum (e.g. wouldn't have tackled speaker upgrades without it) and hopefully my occasional posts help others. Thank you to all who keep this going.
To be honest, where I'm not a skilled mechanic I can't really post much about tips and tricks, but i'm always on this site. Check it everyday and I love the fact that so many people are passionate about the cars. It's what makes being a Copen owner even more enjoyable.
One of the problems with car forums is people join them when they have a problem then don't post again untill they have another problem. I've done it myself I'm a member of fiat, Renault, Citroen Peugeot, chevreolet, Smart, MG and others that I don't post on. I joined because I wanted info or downloads those forums had. The niche car sites in that list like MG and Smart I would have joined in more but didn't buy a TF or a roadster and instead bought a Copen. I'm now a member of an Alfa forum which has a Mito and a North East section. They have a meet the last Thursday of the month at a pub car park in Chester Le St, only a few miles from where I live. I haven't been to any because looking at Alfas (unless they are spyders) has no interest to me. Had there been any Northern meets for Copens while I owned mine I'd have been there and been prepared to travel much further than Chester Le St. It'll be a shame if this site closes through lack of traffic it's the best of the Copen forums. Trustafox, keep posting here man at least you still have the bloody car. I thought Adam would still post here, I reckon he'll get another Copen one day. That Cube can't be doing it for him. If I could make one criticism of this new style site I'd say change the smilies to the old style, these are naff.
Hi, I've owned a copen for about a year now and have found this forum very useful. I just wonder if people now use it in a different way to when it first started. Rather than posting questions I have searched the forum to see if I can find out if anybody else has had the same problem and what the solution was. During the last year I have found out how to change my radio, solve my interior light problem, discovered what size filter I need and where to get it from, how much / make of oil I need, discovered how I may be getting water in my boot and how to solve it, how to put up the small windows whilst the roof is down, etc all without having to post on the forum because the information is already there.
Exactly - this is what happens when you, as a forum community, have made a site as fantastic as CopenWorld. The "How do I do X?" gets less, as people can search and there has already been a backwards and forwards discussion on what's the best plan of action. This is common on most car forums, particularly niche ones like CopenWorld - I've seen it happen on the Pajero Owners Club UK site as well, and it's nothing to fear.
This forum is great! I have used it for technical help as well as ideas on modifications since I got my Copen and would really miss it if it was gone. We still have regular posters just not quite as prolific as you used to be Trustafox! We do miss you DaG and Adam but as with all forums people move on and new people take their place. Copenworld has put a lot of effort into the site and developing it and we appreciate that as we would be lost without the help on here. I have, in the past, visited other car groups / forums and found people to be unfriendly and patronising - this site is nothing like that and is an asset to the Copen community. Maybe us UK copen owners should start to arrange more meet ups to keep the interest going. Everyone just needs to keep visiting and posting to make the site the lively, friendly forum it is.
Yes, I would agree with that! It's been on my "to do" list for a while - I'll see if I can sort out some better ones.
A new set of smilies are now in place, but I'm still not sure whether they're right. These ones are animated. Is that too annoying? Let me know what you think In case you don't already know, you can hover over any smilie to see what they're supposed to be.
My post wasn't out of any direct criticism or thinking the forum wasn't any good, on the contrary. It was more to see opinions or even create momentum by highlighting a potential issue. It certainly got a few posts! Like others have said about its difference to many other car forums. I find they are like that for more popular run of the mill makes/models. Where you get more of the jack the lad type there. I find them much less enjoyable, even if I find help among them. I think the size of this forum is one of its best features. More personal and less cliquey. if you are not one of the main guys rebuilding your own engines and adding turbos to NA then you are just small fry. I'm on a Honda site and its a bit like that but most are American. Also been on Civic, Puma, fiesta also, but like DaG been brief. And on behalf of DaG, I apologise for the spamming! Because when he hits a forum, the Richter scale wakes up! He does hit the forums hard, but thats only in the morning.
Yeah I get annoyed with Two post Tommys . When a forum looks like it has a 1000 members, wow loads. but over half are fly bys. I say regular purges if they've not contributed much in a few months. Are you still a member of the forum men in fishnet stockings? I've not seen you there for sometime! PMSL but I'd have one if it came with the woman in the white leather outfit she'd only take one go to get your balls in. But I'd need the practice go! Good old Geordie wit!
Blimey, it's great to see Trustafox back in the posting lists - missed you man! Those ding-dong battles with DaG were something that all of us had a great larff over! Copenworld - absolutely love it!! Copen - what a car! Through this site I have made new friends like Old Badger, ClareL, Joeleow, Adam and so on - some magic people out there - and as for the hints and tips ... wow! Like Badger, I'm not a keen tinkerer, but thank heavens there are people who are and who post up guides (especially videos like Number6's) and who give me the confidence to "have a go". Without that I'd still be soldiering on with a dying Clarion stereo; instead I'm the proud transporter of a nifty Pioneer unit (speakers next!!). So, I think that David has done something amazing in maintaining such a great forum and I for one won't be going anywhere else anytime soon!
Think he should come back and post pictures of his cube! Let's see what he's traded his Copen in for!
This was Adams Cube when he bought it. https://www.copenworld.com/community/threads/time-to-move-on.2694/#post-16287 It has Space Invaders on the side He will probably be at the KKITP meeting in Birmingham with it if you want to see it!
When DaG told me I imagined it had one big sticker on the side. Show's what I know! Did any Copens come with pac-man stickers on the sides? Gobble up cubes for breakfast.