I'd be interested to hear what you all think about the use of adverts on this site. I took the decision to put some fairly discreet adverts on the forums (at the top and bottom of the page), but as yet I haven't put anything on the main site. I've so far earned the massive sum of 7p from advertising, so I don't think I'm going to get rich any time soon. However, I do have to pay a fairly modest monthly fee for a reliable site hosting package, and the software to create the site all cost money, so it would be nice if I can at least partially cover the cost through advertising. What do you think? Vote in the poll, and add any comments in this thread. Thanks!
Hi! I think that ads are necessary for financial support on a website, so I really understand their existence. I would only beg for the avoidance of "full screen" ads or any kind of high-intrusive advertising, because this could make surfing in the website an annoying experience.. Best Regards