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Service Manuals - 659cc model v2

Service Manuals - 659cc model

  1. copenworld
    Service Manuals for the 659cc model.
    The file is large so it may take a while to download.
    Okibearded1, AFR0N1, Zariel and 2 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Tony V.
    Tony V.
    Version: v2
    Thank you for the resource! I very much appreciate it and I have been working my way through the manuals to understand my Copen better.
  2. Okibearded1
    Version: v2
    Glad to have this resource as a newbie. Thanks!
  3. AFR0N1
    Version: v2
    There is more info in here than I expected. It has been helpful on a couple of occasions already. Must have document for any Copen owner.
  4. Brian S
    Brian S
    Version: v2
    Absolutely necessary for Copen newbies - including Toyota mechanics here in Australia
  5. Dirk Thrust
    Dirk Thrust
    Version: v2
    Absolutely fantastic - many thanks. Everything I could need is in here and the 'technical information' section gives some great background information into the general principles of how (and why) all the systems work. Just depressing that its so hard to get hold of the replacement panels detailed in the bodywork section !
  6. jacquot
    Version: v1
    Just what I needed!
  7. copen660lv654
    Version: v1
    Excellent and it includes all information that a Copen owner wants to know.
  8. Gadgetman.net.au
    Version: v1
    Great resource, thank you to all concerned that made this possible.
  9. Henk van Setten
    Henk van Setten
    Version: v1
    Great, it's very helpful to have this. In the future it might also be really handy as a kind of reference for people at the garage maintaining my Copen.
    Just for the sake of completeness, if someone could also upload a scanned-in version of a 659cc version owners manual, I even would be about 140% happy...
  10. DippyDeb
    Version: v1
    very helpful indeed !