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Value of a write off.

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by DaG, May 24, 2015.

  1. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    End of April there I was waiting at a roundabout for traffic to clear when a nice man decided to save wear on his brakes and use the back of my Copen To stop his Ford Focus.
    The bumper was pushed in about six inches, damage to the lights, boot lid, even the rear window surround as the boot lid got pushed into it. The fuel tank then started to leak, I don't know if there was any structural damage.
    The other driver admitted liability and my insurers wrote the car off. I bought my Copen 3 years ago and so 3 years later it was valued just over £300 less than I paid for it. These cars certainly hold their value.
  2. Janusbell

    Janusbell Copenworld Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    Dagenham Essex UK
    Daihatsu Copen
    So sorry for your loss…
  3. Old Badger

    Old Badger Copenworld Regular

    Jan 24, 2014
    South Croydon
    2004 Copen
    2016 Honda HR-V
    DaG!! What a tragedy! Did you get a new Copen yet?
  4. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    I haven't bought another Copen there aren't many about.
    I bought an Alfa Romeo Mito today which has had one owner and when he bought it new for his wife he also ordered a crazy £4,500 worth of extras.
    It has red leather Alfa embossed seats, Kevlar effect dash and door inserts, an electric sunroof and parking sensors. It's a really nice car and as I'm a fan of Italian cars buying an Alfa seemed the thing to do.
    I looked at many convertibles such as the MX5-MK3 and even considered a Chrysler Crossfire at one stage but the running costs were a bit silly. I like the MG TF but I need a car I can rely on so decided against.
    So my Copen days are for now over, though I do intend at some time in the future to get another Copen.
    I'll still look in on this site now and again and probably throw my two penneth in to the odd discussion.
    See yous all later.
  5. ClareL

    ClareL Copenworld Veteran

    Mar 22, 2013
    1.3 2008 Copen
    DaG, :-((. You will be missed :-((

    Enjoy your Mito but don't forget us - you can always have a search for a fuel cap sticker as your first mod!
  6. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    I will enjoy the Mito. The reviews say it has a hard ride but its like gliding along on cushions of air compared to my copen.:D
    Here's a PUC of a similar mito. Its the same colour anyway.

  7. Old Badger

    Old Badger Copenworld Regular

    Jan 24, 2014
    South Croydon
    2004 Copen
    2016 Honda HR-V
    1075 posts!!! DaG you are irreplaceable. What will we do without you?? :(:( Copenworld just won't be the same......we will miss your always wise and entertaining views. Are you really sure you don't want to buy another Copen?? You will miss all its quirks and, ahem, charms. COME BACK DAG WE NEED YOU! OB. :eek::D
  8. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    Noooo! I know how you feel, DaG - my Pajero Jnr was a Cat B write-off.

    Do you know what kind of writeoff it is? If a Cat A - must be crushed. Cat B - breakers. Cat C and D - Uneconomical to repair
  9. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    I haven't been told the category of the damage. I would guess at cat D or at a push catC. The bumper, boot lid and rear small lights need replacing as well as the fuel tank. I don't know if there was floor pan damage.

    I actually drove it home from the accident scene, which was a dual carriageway slip road with a roundabout at the end. A cop in a van had been alongside me when it happened and he came over and took charge of the accident.
    Annoyingly I was breathalysed for the first time in my driving span of over 30 years. "It wasn't me who smashed into the back of another car Mr policeman." He was a good witness to have though, I suppose.:D
  10. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    Yeah, that's a cat C or D - you'd not be able to drive if it was an A or a B.

    Standard practice in any road traffic accident. Happened to a friend of mine who got side swiped by a red light runner. Thankfully his dashcam proved that he was in the right as the lady in the MPV said he ran the red.

    In my mind, you have a few options (assuming Cat C or D):
    1. Repair her
    2. Sell her to a breakers
    3. Sell her as is to a third party
    4. Break her yourself

    Be glad you're in the position to choose, my Pajero was taken away from me for the princely sum of 100 EUR - a price I could not negotiate, and I could not move the vehicle away from where the cops brought her from a legal standpoint (I would need a car waste disposal certificate for the writeoff).
  11. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    I might have got a good payout because the other driver admitted full responsibility. o my insurers didn't give a toss about the amount because they knew they would get it back.
    My Copen has gone to a company called Copart, based in Woburn Milton Keynes. I've sent them the V5 and service history but I don't know if they will sell it as salvage or break it.
  12. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    I haven't gone yet.:D
    1075 posts is nothing, Adam had a lot more that that and Trustafox had more posts as well.
    A Sunderland football club message board I post on I have about 15,000 posts to my name. I have been a member since 2003 though.:)
  13. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Oh, DaG, that's good news! :) As you say, Copenworld has lost such luminaries as Adam and Trustafox and your input has been both amusing and enlightening so, in the first instance "thank you" and, in the second, stick around, do. There's always new owners coming through, like me, and they may in time reach the dizzy heights of knowledge that gurus like you display, but your invaluable posts and wealth of understanding are irreplaceable.

    We're all gutted for you. When you lavish love and care on a little beast like your Copen, it's like losing a friend. :-(( The Mito will be great, but it's no Copen. So have fun, Italian-style, keep us up-to-date with how things are going and keep a weather-eye open for a little happy-faced bundle of fun that'll steal your heart away once again! ;)

    Tyneside and Wearside rejoice that battle will be resumed again next season!

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