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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Trowelone, Apr 3, 2019.

  1. Trowelone

    Trowelone Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 18, 2018
    Copen 1.3
    Hi again all.
    Managed to remove the worn Daihatsu lettering from the rear window today and also the Sticker on the boot lid. Looks so much better. Really pleased. This is all part of my endeavor to do more things myself on my Copen. Nice satisfied feeling.
    copenforbusiness likes this.
  2. copenforbusiness

    copenforbusiness Copenworld Member

    Sep 20, 2016
    1.3 Copen, CRV, Estima
    Well done! :clap::clap:
    Yep, I didn't know at the moment but that phenomenon is called "debadging" and it's addictive. I started as yourself with the stickers and later continued with the badges themselves, front and back. There are a few posts in here showing you how to carefully remove them without damaging the paint work. The only Daihatsu indications that I now have left are the central hubs of the alloys and the etching on the windows... looking for ways of removing those too.:D
    Very proud of my Daihatsu, but love the look of it without any of that. And the fact that people constantly look around the car for a clue! :) Only the bravest stop to ask. :rock:

    Keep up the good work! Copens are very easy to work with and very rewarding too.
  3. Trowelone

    Trowelone Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 18, 2018
    Copen 1.3
    Hi Copenforbusiness. Thanks for your comments. I think I will probably leave the D's on the bonnet and boot lid, but may remove the lettering from the wind deflector. Did you find this task easy, is it hairdryer and gentle scraping?
    Regards Clayton
  4. copenforbusiness

    copenforbusiness Copenworld Member

    Sep 20, 2016
    1.3 Copen, CRV, Estima
    You've got it! my advice would be to take the deflector off (quite easy) and work on a solid flat surface. I think I used some kind of alcohol based spirit, and don't remember using the hairdryer at all. Saying that I would have followed somebody else's steps described in this forum... I think...
    Don't use any blunt objects as the deflector is not glass but some kind of plasticky stuff that could be easily scratched.
    Good luck!

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