Hi I have an 2007 copen and have some trouble with my roof and boot. It will not open properly. Is this a usual problem? And how to fix this?
When was the battery last changed? When the battery starts to go strange things seem to happen the Copen.
problems with motor to open roof and boot HELLO (I come from Norway and my English is not so good. But I will trye.) The boot will not open, the red light is on and it is beeping all the time. It was water in the boot last winter,and the serviseman said that motor for boot and roof is broken. He had not servise manual for my Coopen. He open roof and boot manuellt from instruktion from the Users manual. if I trye to start the prosess of opening the roof, I can hear the motor works. all the windows go down, the roof start opening, but the boot wont open. I have the servise manual, but I can not find what pages the diskripsion of this motor in the boot. There is somting else in the boot that lift the boot. I hope you understand the qustion.: O
Section I5 is where you need to look in the service manual. See section I5-42 for a picture showing the parts for the roof mechanism. Item f is the electric motor pump for the hydraulics. Using the diagnostic port, should get an error code for the fault. Your mechanic may have done this to diagnose a failed pump. Used pump on eBay http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?itemId=370647749709&index=12&nav=SEARCH&nid=54818981925 If you have water in the boot you should get this fixed. Most likely the high level brake light.