When I recently aquired my 1.3L Copen there were two problems when I bought it and which I negotiated in the deal. One was a dent in the rear wheel arch which I have already posted about. The other one was a cracked front nearside fog/indicator light. I have aquired a replacement (not cheap) which I intend to fit myself. I believe the front bumper has to be removed to do this and there are posts relating to this. My question to the forum is that these lights are very low to the ground and the roads where I live are dreadful. I read a previous post from Ashley who is in Cape Town which he referred to covering the lights with vinyl. Does anyone have experience with this in the U.K.? Are there any companies which provide this protective vinyl and has anyone any experience of using this to protect their lights. Considering the price of replacement units anything which might prevent stone chip damage sounds like a good idea. Many thanks. Clive.
The vinyl referred to is usually used for paint work protection but I guess there's no harm in layering some on a lamp unit for protection, try this link for a start; www.ebay.co.uk/bhp/stone-chip-protection
Don't think you need to take the bumper off to get the fog lights out. I think you can get access through the wheel arch liner. To disconnect the wires & release the fog light unit.
Clare this sounds like it is worth trying. I found another one on the web VentureShield. These light units are expensive so it might be worth trying to protect them. Adam I wasn't aware that it is not necessary to remove the bumper to change the fog light. I think you have saved me a lot of work. I'll give it a go. Thanks to to you both.
Adam, I did have to partially remove the front bumper in the end to replace the foglight/indicator unit. It is secured to the bumper unit by three screws which can't be accessed with the bumper in-situ (at least not by me with my clumsy fingers). However the good news is I only had to release one half of it and it is not a difficult job. A little tedious perhaps but I followed the pictures on the French website. It also it gave me a chance to inspect and clean everything behind the bumper. The easiest way to do this job is definitely to jack the car up and take the front wheels off. The new light is now installed and hopefully will improve my chance of passing the MoT test