Hi everyone Just purchased my first ever copen. Im fetching it from its current home (in Newcastle, I live in Hove) on Wednesday. Its on 04 reg British racing green without mods etc. Any tips or advice for me having never driven one before?Taking it for a six hour trip South through this rain and wind would be so much nicer with some friendly hints about things to spot and any quirks they have! Thanks! K
Hi Kate, I just bought my first Copen on Saturday and had a 3 hour drive in the rain and dark going south to north! You'll probably be passing me on your journey. It felt fine when I was driving it for the first time. I'd just say take it steady and careful to get used to its small size and how big the outside world looks from the small windscreen. Adam K has done a good check list for what to look out for when buying a second-hand Copen if that information you would like also https://www.copenworld.com/vb3/showthread.php?t=1078&highlight=guide
Hi Kate, welcome to Copenworld. Hmm can't think of anything in particular regarding quirks. Wait hang on, here come the thoughts. It's a hard ride, avoid lumps & bumps in the road. Expect the odd rattle/squeak from the roof. Turn the stereo up. Don't forget the heated seats to help you keep warm. The air-con is great for de-misting the window. No spare wheel, so make sure the compressor & tyre gunk (probably out of date) is in the boot. Or take a can of tyre-weld with you just in case. Keep it in the boot for emergencies. Enjoy the revvy turbo engine. Finally prepare for cheek ache from smiling for six hours.
and even cat's eyes. they feel like mountains now! Adam have you done any work to reduce the roof creaks? and added sound insulation?
I've done the roof latch tightening method. Plus I've added the rubber thimbles to the roof pins. I lubricate the hinges & seals every year in the summer.
standard size thimbles fit? as I've mostly seen the car in the dark and been raining, I've not been able to see the roof pins.
I'll get round to it shortly when its a dry day......next year now?!! can the plastic roof liner be removed without taking the roof off?
Congrats on your Copen and welcome. Just two pieces of advice: Get used to let your motor idle a few minutes after your drive to let the turbo cool down. And remember the oil changes every 3000 miles (which probably won't happen on your drive home). Wish you a safe ride, Andreas
No worries! All really helpful. En route to north east to collect it tomorrow am...in floods! It's already been put on a car transporter to get it out of the farmer based owners place!! Will let you know how I get on with my Darlington-Brighton epic!
your new copen Hi Kate I'm a new copen owner too I bought mine about 2 weeks ago from London and drove it back to darlo. I really enjoyed the drive home in my new Copen. I actually took a look at the Copen you bought by the sounds of it, I think you bought it from a car dealer near Yarm he keeps a lot of cars in barns on a farm. If that is you new Copen then Its a very nice car with tan leather seats. I only did not buy it as the price was higher than the one I had seen in London and I wanted a silver one which the Copen from London was. Is'ent it strange I went to London for a Copen and you came up north for one just shows people are willing to travel to get the car they want. Welcome to the club
So its the best thing ever! Only thing is I now need a manual as the heater has started vibrating loudly and randomly. Any idea where I can get a non Japanese manual? Thanks!
Your Copen has a Japanese manual? Is it an import Copen then? Here's an english manual on ebay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DAIHATSU-...es_Manuals_Litterature_ET&hash=item337e21b2d1 You can download the service manual in the directory tab at the top of the forum.
Isn't the owner's manual in the directory tab good enough for the basics. I thought the internals were much the same for the Jap & Euro models, the biggest different being the engine, I may be wrong but it would save you spending out for a manual, it's at least worth a look.
Are Grey Imports starting to come through into the UK now? Read somewhere that most home grown Copen's were automatics?
Yes, you could download the owners manual for the 1.3 cars too. Most things are relevant for the 659 Copen. Would like to see some pictures of your car. Particularly a picture of the drivers side sun visor with all the writing on it.