Please excuse my ignorance, but... Is it necessary to clean the seats keep the leather supple? If so, what do recommend to use? Regards, Rex
Hi Rex Direct sunshine will do the same to leather seats as it does to us, hardening the skin. Dilute neutral detergent for wool with a concentration of about 5% with water. Use a soft cloth dampened with the cleaner to clean the seats. Wipe off with another cloth with plain water. Wipe the seat dry with a soft dry cloth and let the seat finaly dry in the shade. Thats what my owners manual suggests. So if they turn black, swell up and explode ...Its their fault Regards, Sardine
Thanks Sardine, I appreciate you instructions are what the manual says, but.... I'd had a little look around since I posted the question and it looks like the general consensus is not to use detergent and water as it drys the leather out. I searched on ebay for 'GLIPTONE LIQUID LEATHER'. There is a cleaner and separate conditioner. This seems to recommended in a few places, so I've sent off for some. I'll let you know how it goes. Rex.
Just to let you know, I've cleaned and conditioned my seats and I'm very pleased with the results - especially with the new leather smell!! I'd recommend this guy on ebay: daytonapulse8. Find his 'shop' here Then look down the left hand side for 'leather treatments' I paid £8.95 + 2.95 for both cleaner and conditioner. Enough to last for years. Rex.