Here's a few I took. A few of the other retro Jap cars. I've fell in love with this Nissan PAO Honda Acty mini truck Honda City Convertible
Thanks Adam! Great weather and clearly a really festive atmosphere. Everyone will have had a great day getting together, swapping stories, chatting about their pride and joy. Magic pics - thank you!
Good morning to all Copen fans, and in particular those who attended the KKITP event yesterday. What a great day! The weather was fantastic, and the sight of all of the Copens lined up was just amazing. Love the photos Adam. Particularly the back shot of the really handsome chap in the white tee shirt and blue/red checked shorts I took a short video with my iPad, and I'm going to try to upload it now. Fingers crossed! No, sorry, the site doesn't accept .MOV files Anyway, we're looking forward to seeing many more photos. Cheers! PhillandLin and Buzz.
Sorry we turned up a bit late Adam, but well done for winning .All though we were only there for a short time it was nice to put some names to faces.... Well done and thank you to all those involved in organisng the meet. See you all next time.
A few more... Perfect weather, great location, really fab people A big thanks everybody from me Pics of: Kate7619 prodding for oil; some interiors (everyone's is different); The Old Badgers; Scooty's wheel arch finisher (a great addition); Jaspark nicely summing up the day
Hello all, Many thanks again to everyone who made the effort to come out and say hi. I say it every year but you should all be very proud. You all put on an excellent display but we're also friendly, helpful and approachable. Well done on winning best presented club again, and well done Adam on being crowned 2014 KKITP Champion. I haven't edited the 'official photos' yet but here's a 'zoe' of the day to give you an idea of the day for those that missed out. Thanks again everyone, and well done. - Emily
Cheers! Excellent to meet you all! When I can figure out how to upload my pics I will get them posted. I have been inspired by all of your cars and I am now on the lookout for many items to include on my little car . It was the most beautiful day (slightly sunburnt) so, whoever arranged the weather it was much appreciated x Oh yeah and my little rosette
So sorry we couldn't come. I'm sure it would have been a fantastic day, just like last year. It had been a crazy week and hubby had to work on his car, so it just never happened..... Yay for winning the best group again though, and congratulations to Adam too!
Sorry for the delay but the official photos are finally now live. You can view them all on the KKITP website: They are sorted into categories so should be easier to find your car. Some from the Copen category:
Finally I get around to reply back and let you know how much I enjoyed the KKITP 2014. Meeting you all and chatting away about our Copens was great fun! Will do everything possible to be there again in 2015. Here's the link to my pics (showing all of our trip, also Bubblecar Museum and the "National Micro Car Rally 2014") and a link showing the route we took: See you soon again, Andreas