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I'm out of hibernation !!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Nedryerson, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Nedryerson

    Nedryerson Copenworld Regular

    Jan 30, 2012
    0.66 Copen 2003
    Fiat 500

    I decided to wash Mrs Copen today and have a good look over her in preparation for the Summer when I noticed I had a flat tyre but this was a good thing as I got familiar with the Diahatsu tool kit and electric tyre pump.

    When I got the wheel off which had been fastened on by Jeff Capes or whatever his name is I noticed some nasty rust at the bottom of the wheel arch hiding behind the plastic arch protector. This is held on by some plastic doohickeys and one was missing which had allowed water to get in behind which brings me to the real reason for this post - Where can these little fellows be obtained ?

    Anyhows, good news, the 'rust' turned out to be nothing more than a grotty pile of flaked off paint and road gunge.

    However, it gets better, removing the protector revealed a nice hole which goes through into the cavity behind the cills and it occurred that a Waxoyl nozzle would fint nicely through that hole. Anyone tried this?

    Finally, the seat belts are driving me crazy and then I remembered that someone had sprayed theirs with a lubricant of some description. Again - Could anyone enlighten me?

    So, off to the garage to have the flat looked at,

  2. dsb

    dsb Copenworld Regular

    May 15, 2013
    abingdon oxfordshire
    copen vivid
    I also want one of those clips....
  3. copencat

    copencat Copenworld Regular

    Jan 14, 2014
    hopefully soon a new grey copen!
  4. dunf

    dunf Copenworld Regular

    Oct 21, 2013
    Fife, Scotland
  5. Nedryerson

    Nedryerson Copenworld Regular

    Jan 30, 2012
    0.66 Copen 2003
    Fiat 500
    Arrghh just ordered 6 from Diahatsu at £1:50 each !
  6. Nedryerson

    Nedryerson Copenworld Regular

    Jan 30, 2012
    0.66 Copen 2003
    Fiat 500

    Well, it's been more than a few weeks now since the adoption papers for the little fellow were finally signed by the DVLA and he became officially part of the family.

    After a few trips with the top down i get the district impression that I have somehow been quietly inducted into a secret society of ragtop owners. There is definately some chemistry out there between the MX5, Z3/4 brigade and anyone else in a sports car however humble or grand their wheels are. Probably just an overactive imagination ..........

    What is not imagined is the overwhelming sense of pity for anyone behind the wheel of a PEOPLE CARRIER !!

    Ned, did you take your tablets this morning ?? ..........
  7. dsb

    dsb Copenworld Regular

    May 15, 2013
    abingdon oxfordshire
    copen vivid
    the motorcycle clips worked for me too. - others I bought previously were totally wrong.

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