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Idle proble

Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by stelios ioannidis, Jul 4, 2018.

  1. stelios ioannidis

    stelios ioannidis Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 16, 2017
    daihatsu copen 1.3
    Hello,the last days i had an issue with the idle speed,the revs was high (1500rpm) and never drop even when the engine became hot.So i decided to open the throttle unit.To remove the throttle is easy job,just remove the air filter box,the plugs from sensors.Remove the body carefully (you will find a rubber oring a big one).The only problem when you will have the throttle on bench is to remove the torx screws from the top sensor as are no six but five point torxs (toyota special torx) the easy way is to put the body of throttle somewhere steady and with small saw to make pattern for screwdriver.When you will open the top (take care of gasket) yo will see the problem.The coolant water make a hard film on the surface so the motor of the sensor dont turn right.When you will clean the dirty surface (i used a carb cleaner and a teeth brush) you will see how easy turn the axis.Now you reinstall the parts carefully with all gaskets(if you see a bad condition gasket change it with a new one).Install all the sensors back plug them and you are ready.Sometimes you will see the idle to continue be high,i forget to tell that is easy to clean the throttle body inside with carb cleaner,let to work for a short time.Also you can open the air condition or remove the battery for few minutes.
    Thank you and sorry for my english.

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    Bronx, AFR0N1, BarnsleyRob and 3 others like this.
  2. copenforbusiness

    copenforbusiness Copenworld Member

    Sep 20, 2016
    1.3 Copen, CRV, Estima
    Very informative post. Worth remembering in case we are faced with the same problem. Thank you Stelios.:clap:
  3. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)
    Good write up Stelios and your English is excellent. I can manage a couple of phrases in Greek, but they all relate to alcohol !

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