Last week I part-exed my 1995 Mini for a 2004 Copen 659cc (I like small cars). I used this forum as a resource when researching the Copen before I bought it and I'm very pleased to have now become a Copen-owning member
Indeed. I'm very pleased with it. This weekend I packed it up and drove 100 miles to Coventry to start university and it was wonderfully quiet, comfortable and economical compared to my Mini haha
We sold a 1996 mini and bought our 1.3 copen! That was just over a year ago now. Mini always needed something doing to it every week. Copen just gets filled with fuel and a wash now and again. Much more civilised
Wonderful! I did love my mini, and I will definitely get another one when I have the time and money to look after one, but the Copen is an ideal car for me as a student - comfortable, reliable, and an excellent way to strike up a friendly chat with other students in the car park!