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hello from the north

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by James Usher, May 11, 2014.

  1. James Usher

    James Usher Copenworld Newbie

    May 11, 2014
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    I own a 2004 659 cc Copen in silver with red leather trim. I also own a peuguot 107 (my everyday car)
    Hello likeminded people, I've just joined having bought a silver Copen only two days ago. My Copen has been called Polly Pocket by my daughter so Polly it is. I took a bit of a risk as I bought her with only 6 weeks MOT on her. She just failed her MOT yesterday on headlight alinement, emissions, rear part of exhaust leaking and one damaged tyre. On the plus side the tester did say the overall condition was excellent for a ten year old car and that the failures were in line with any ten year old car.

    The 'only' other problem is a distinct lack of power but the intercooler has been damaged and as a result is leaking, the garage recons this could be enough to loose the boost which would severly restrict power. The turbo is spinning so hopefully he is right and all I need to do is repair/replace the intercooler.

    Well, I look forward to reading the groups messages, hopefully the summer will be a hot one :)
  2. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    Hi James, welcome to Copenworld.
    A leak of boost pressure will reduce the power. Have a search for a used intercooler. I'd expect a new one from Daihatsu will be expensive.
    You could look into importing an upgraded one, although this would take a few weeks to come from Japan.
  3. Biggav4000

    Biggav4000 Copenworld Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    Mold/North wales
    Daihatsu copen
    Hi James
    Welcome to the forum
    Good luck with finding a used intercooler,I ended up importing an upgraded one from Japan ,it was quicker and cheaper in the long run.
    Some pics of your car would be good :)

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