Hi, been looking at getting a Copen for the missus for a wee while now. Sold her classic mini a few weeks back and had looked at a couple of Copens since but there are very few about in the 1.3 we wanted. Managed to pick up an 08 plate in South London for a reasonable price and drove it up the road to it's new home in Scotland the same day. Very impressed how well it drives with the roof down but with the roof up it sound like it is going to fall apart when it hits bumps! Managed to sort out a few of the rattles already and i'll work my way through some other niggles over the coming weeks. She's well happy with it and that's the main thing! Cheers
Hi Dunf, welcome to Copenworld & congratulations on your purchase. That was a bit of a trip to get it home! Have a search of the forum for rattles. There are a lot of fixes you could do.
The bumps are terrifying! I always think Nobby is going to fall to pieces. Congratulations on your happy purchase! I have an 08 1.3 too.